Our Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission
of the Geoscience Alliance

We envision a future in which Native Americans are no longer underrepresented in the geosciences. We look to a day where Native scientists take a leadership role in helping to steer our country towards a more sustainable and environmentally ethical relationship with the Earth. To appreciate and advance the geosciences while being respectful of indigenous cultures, we articulate the following values:

– We focus on supporting students, even as we recognize that we all are students.

– We respect both western and indigenous approaches to knowing about the Earth, while recognizing that indigenous approaches historically have been undervalued.

– We believe that there are many paths to being a scientist and many traditions to draw from. Therefore, there is no single best practice; instead, we offer a collection of effective strategies to draw from.

– We will create ways for students to become scientists while holding onto and even strengthening their traditional knowledge.

– We are inclusive: our focus on increasing the number of Native Americans in the geosciences doesn’t confine membership to either geoscientists or Native Americans.

– We will explore, make mistakes, forgive, and learn together.